Transition to and from our school

Transition to St Joseph’s

Transition prepares students for full time school and its routines which are very different from home and kindergarten.

Transition is a social experience. Students have not begun their formal schooling during this time. We generally accept children for Transition for four weeks towards the end of their final term of pre-school.

Initially, your child will be at School from 9:00am until the end of Recess at 11:40am for two days in the first two weeks. It will be 9:00am until the end of lunch 1.50pm for two days in the 3rd week. Finally a full 2 days in the 4th week.

Parents and teachers are free to negotiate the full days of transition to accommodate factors such as distance of travel. Such negotiations should take into account the child’s ability to cope with full days of school on top of the kindergarten load and current kindergarten days. The Kindergarten Director should be consulted if you are in doubt.

Transition from St Joseph’s

We will work very closely with the Secondary School that you have chosen for your child.  We will be in contact with the school who will arrange the scheduled transition days with us.

If your child requires further transition days that will be arranged and we will accomodate the logistics of this.